Classic B&W record sleeves coloured

Col Dirk
I’ve been experimenting with photo colouring / enhancing / animating apps like Remini and similar on various things recently and thought it would be interesting to feed some classic black & white record sleeves into the apps and see what came out. The results are fun, extremely fast – usually about a minute, and have the delayed joy of waiting for a Polaroid to appear. It seems to work better with images that contain a lot of tones rather than high contrast like some seen here. Colours are patchy, sometimes missing parts of the body and there’s a lot of sepia or beige for skin tones which occasionally gets things wrong if the images are abstracted. It’s also not seemingly able to recognise non-Caucasian faces too easily and architecture comes out in an ad hoc way. Some of them do very odd things with text (see the Yussef Lateef cover at the bottom) and sometimes adds strange colour artefacts – notice the blue/red object on the Dirk cover repeated on the Marshal McLuhan. Col AntCol Comic frontCol Comic back Col Japan Col League Col Normal Col skidooCol McluhanCol RATM Col Yussef

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