Selected Aphex Works mix for Solid Steel

Record_Collector_8_AFXFew can’t have heard that earlier this month user48736353001 started uploading copious amounts of old tracks to their Soundcloud account claiming that they were a fan of Richard D James aka Aphex Twin and had made lots of tracks in his style. Very quickly speculation spread that this was actually Richard and these tracks were selections from his mythical archive or thousands of unreleased tunes, some dating back from before he broke through in the early 90’s. As more and more tracks appeared and comments started appearing from the user it became apparent that this was indeed the real deal and Xmas had either been delayed by a month or arrived ridiculously early.

I was suspicious at first but when a track named ‘8 Utopia’ was uploaded I knew that even if the person uploading and commenting wasn’t Aphex then the music was. Way back in the mid 90’s I was made a ‘best of’ tape of unreleased work by a friend of Richard’s on the condition that I kept the content to myself. As you can see from the track list above, the compiler wasn’t 100% sure on a lot of the titles but the track that starts side 2, ‘The one that makes you shiver’, was the same as ‘8 Utopia’, albeit in far worse quality. As more tracks were uploaded I started recognising more tunes with even a couple of titles matching. A total of 5 out of the 17 tracks from the tape appeared, with another 7 having been heard on RDJ-related records elsewhere since the tape was made, leaving me no doubt that this was Aphex. Here’s how the original tape titles match up (and bear in mind that the cassette titles could be wrong in the first place):

i. ‘AFX vs UZiq’ = not uploaded to Soundcloud
ii. ‘-?-‘ (’94) = track 11 from the Joyrex tape that was uploaded a few years ago, although at a faster speed
iii. ‘Untitled Jungle tune’ = track 10 from the Joyrex tape that was uploaded a few years ago, although faster
iv. ‘Epic Breakbeat’ = not uploaded to Soundcloud
v. ‘Mantra’ = the track known as ‘Humanoid Must Not Escape’ from the Caustic Window ‘Joyrex J9’ picture disc (303 side), you can hear a sampled voice say what sounds like ‘Mantra’.

After ‘Mantra’ comes a short 30 second piece of electronic glitching with the sample, “I had to kill Bob Morgan because he made a mistake”, the same as on the ‘Bob Morgan’ track included in the uploads.

vi. ‘AFX vs. Uziq’ = ‘Giant Deflating Football’ from the Mike & Rich album on Rephlex
vii. ‘unreleased Ventolin’ = ‘phlangebeat’ although a lot slower on the tape
viii. ‘Bradley Styder’ = the first track from ‘Bradley’s Robot’ from the Strider B. 12″ on Rephlex
+ scanning by R.James‘Phone Pranks’ (Part 1 & 2) from the original Caustic Window LP that was finally released via a Kickstarter by WATMM.

i. ‘The one that makes you shiver’ = ‘8 Utopia’
ii. ‘-?-‘ (’93) = not uploaded to Soundcloud
iii. ‘GAK track’ = ‘d15-10 dulcimer dub’
iv. ‘—- ” —–‘ = ‘Untitled’, track 5 from the officially unreleased ‘Analogue Bubblebath 5’ EP
v. ‘-?-‘ (’91/92) = not uploaded to Soundcloud
vi. ‘Dance To The Beat’ = ‘dance2thebeat’ although the tape version is speeded up noticeably so that it clocks in at under 4 minutes.
vii. ‘Fresher + Cleaner’ (The Best Aphex Track Ever!) = ‘Fresher + Cleaner’ minus the intro hi hats
viii. ‘AFX vs Wagon Christ’ (Hissy Mix) = not uploaded to Soundcloud

Looking at some of the dates on the titles – mid to late 80’s – I’m slightly dubious as this would mean RDJ was making fully-formed gabba Techno at the same time as the Detroit pioneers were weaving their magic. Anyway, back to the present day and, eventually, 155 tracks appeared and, after making my way through them all, I pulled out 40 favourites for a mix. These were further whittled down to 31 with the addition of interview snippets from Radio 3‘s Mixing It show and John Peel‘s Sounds of the Suburbs TV program, and the whole thing clocks in at 86 minutes.

My Top 10 AFX Soundcloud tracks in no particular order:

Red Calx / Red Calx [slo]
Make A Baby
Luke Vibert – Spiral Staircase [afx remix]
Fork Rave
Moodular Acid
Th1 / th1[slo]
Heliosphan live
afx 126b
Moodular Acid

17 thoughts on “Selected Aphex Works mix for Solid Steel

  1. Thanks for clearing that up Terry, I did recently sell this tape and the new owner asked permission to remaster and upload the non-public tracks. I told them that I was purely selling the artifact, not any copyright as I do not own that obviously. As long as the tracks were for free then it shouldn’t be a problem unless the original artists got in touch to the contrary, but that is on the owner’s head, not mine, hence me never making these tracks available before. They totally understood this and general copyright law, glad there is new info out there for all about the contents.

  2. So, the tracks on this tape that weren’t included in the soundcloud dump have now been shared by this tape’s new owner…
    on soundcloud:
    and dl:

    and some tracklist corrections have come to light… (also a few of the credited years differ from those listed in notes on the “soundcloud dump”)

    from Jatsko over at
    “Here’s the full list of ordered tracks for the recently uploaded Airfix Tape:

    Left side is what’s written on the cassette, right side is the titles we know them by, or made up by the current owner (in quotes)

    i. Afx vs. UZiq (’94) = “Tidflume” (AFX vs Cylob)
    ii. -?- (’94) = Joyrex track 11 (faster)
    iii. Untitled Jungle tune (’95)= Joyrex track 10 (faster)
    iv. Epic Breakbeat! (’86) = “Epic Brakebeat PBOD”
    v. (’85) Mantra = Humanoid Must Not Escape
    (v.2 Bob Morgan sample)
    vi. Afx vs UZiq (’94) = Giant Deflating Football (Mike + Rich)
    vii. unreleased Ventolin (’94) = phlangebeat
    viii. Bradley Stryder (’93) = Bradley’s Robot track 1
    + scanning by R.James = Phone Pranks pt. 1 & 2

    i. The one that makes you shiver (’93) = 8 Utopia
    ii. -?- (’93) = Consta-Lume
    iii. GAK track (’92) = d15-10 dulcimer dub
    iv. —–“—– = AB5 track 5
    v. -?- (’91/92) = “Hodgesplodge”
    vi. Dance to the Beat (’87) = dance2thebeat
    vii. Fresher + Cleaner (’95) = Fresher + Cleaner
    viii. Afx vs. Wagon Christ (’93) (HISSY MIX!) = “Difhifadafi H Mix” (AFX vs Cylob) ”

    A) i. and B) viii. are both collabs with cylob (not with µ-ziq nor wagon christ…)
    A) ii and/or A) iii. are apparently also a cylob collab
    soundcloud called dance2thebeat for ’90-’91 (vs tape says ’87)
    soundcloud called fresher+cleaner for ’90 (vs tape says ’85)

  3. @JFM – I could have made a 3 hr mix of all the good stuff but sometimes it’s good to restrict things. Not thought about an Aphex covers mix but there are certainly a few to choose from, BOC too

  4. Hi Kev!
    Thanks a lot for sharing information about casette. I’m very surprised! Personally for me it’s an irrefutable argument supporting user’s48736353001 authenticity. I’m very happy that you got down to work with this selection. According to KKKK series I was sure it gonna be brilliant. Great work! Till now I selected my favourite 98 tracks from all 155.
    Did you consider mixing Kev’s Aphex Cover Collection? :)

  5. My god almighty this is heaven lee stuff.DANCE ING FOR MENTAL HEALTH. I suppose I will have to finally get my filthty “program luck out and drop a bomb ..00 00 00 00AM.

    Nobody else in the world crates rhythm tracks like this guy does. Fuck. He’s revolutionary. Syro certainly is. But this bit. BUT After the first interview sExton that track is dangerous. You’ll be trapped in the beat guck, this is all Apex Twin ness the bombI am dance. Syro is for the top down hard cores out there.These treasures mOVEmee..brilliant. and We are very haha p happy to have this plethora of tracks coming at us thick and fast.

  6. @comeonucunts – ah, I totally forgot to check that out for comparisons – thanks and you’re right, it’s the same track although my tape is much faster (probably to do with tape copy speeds more than anything). Also I realised that the track before on my tape was also on the Joyrex cassette so a couple more pieces of the jigsaw are in. I’ve amended the post above.

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